Bright Moon Art Studio
Fine Art Classes and Workshops for All Ages
Here, at Bright Moon Art Studio, we believe everyone is an artist.
Come join us and unlock your artistic potential.
About Us
Located in downtown Redmond and Downtown Bothell.
We believe every one is an artist. No matter who you are, you can enjoy creating, painting, drawing, and crafting at Bright Moon. We encourage and inspire our students in their artistic process, no matter their level or preferred style.
We provide art classes for people from 18 months to adults and many weekly workshops for families. Classes and workshops are in every medium from oils, acrylics and pastels to watercolors, encaustics and more. We are regularly adding new offerings, so be sure to check back with us often.
BM画室位于Redmond及Bothell市中心。 致力于提供形式丰富的高质量艺术课程。课程针对不同年龄段的特点进行设计。18个月至成人都可找到合适自己的艺术课程及艺术活动。在这里学习艺术绘画的专业知识的同时,享受创造的无穷乐趣。
在课程上,我们提供低幼龄的艺术早教课程,让孩子接受更多的美的熏陶。针对preschool至G1学生,我们提供各种创意美术的教学,让孩子的观察力,创造力,协调能力,欣赏美的能力得到综合的提高。 针对Teenager,我们提供专业美术的小组教学,color theory以及perspective等能容结合,让孩子的综合能力得到提高。针对成人,有自助绘画,主题系列课程,以及各式精彩的workshops。
在BM Art Studio,每个人都是艺术家。

Everyone is an artist.
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